Split Primary Palette
Greenleaf & Blueberry Artisanal Handmade Watercolors

This small palette is comprised of 6 magnetized Half-Pans of color enclosed in a small travel tin, and accompanied by a hand-painted color chart.

This little collection is the six primary colors used for a split primary color mixing system.  If you are unfamiliar, here is an explanation in a nutshell:

Mixing "Red, Yellow, and Blue" is too general and unspecific.  The colors many people choose for this combination will not mix clean primary colors, and painters can be very frustrated by these results.  Using Magenta, Yellow, and Cyan will yield much cleaner results, but depend on you having those specific pigments on hand.  The split primary system allows you to use the colors you have on hand to quickly and predictable mix the secondary, tertiary, or intermediate hues you wish, and is much less complicated than you might realize. 

To mix using the split primary system, simply mix your Red that looks more orange (Pyrrole Scarlet) and your Yellow that looks more orange (Isoindoline Yellow) to make a clean bright Orange.  Use your Yellow that looks less orange and more green (Quinoxalinedione Yellow) and your Blue that looks more green (Phthalocyanine Cyan PB 15:4) to mix a range of bright, clear Greens.  Use your Ultramarine Blue and your Quinacridone Magenta (both more Purple versions of Blue and Red) to mix a range of bright, clear Purples, Violets, and Fuchsias.

This palette is actually laid out in such a way as to provide a shorthand mixing guide.  Simply imagine the six-color layout as an ellipse rather than a rectangle.  You'll want to mix primary colors with their neighbors for clean secondaries.  For example, mix your Pyrrole Scarlet with Isoindoline Yellow for Orange, and mix your Quinacridone Magenta with Ultramarine Blue for Purple (don't mix your reds vice versa or your secondaries will be lower chroma).

We have selected the pigments we believe best represent these useful hues on the color wheel.

Colors Included:
Isoindoline Yellow
Pyrrole Scarlet
Quinacridone Magenta
Quinoxalinedione Yellow
Phthalocyanine Cyan PB15:4
Ultramarine Blue

Also Included:
Small Travel Tin (silver color)
Hand-Painted Color Chart of colors included (sized to fit in lid of travel tin)

Further information about our watercolor paints is available here.

**Please Note**: This set and these colors are NOT intended for children. Half-Pans are small and therefore a choking hazard. Please use only as intended.


All images and descriptions are copyrighted by Greenleaf & Blueberry®
© Greenleaf & Blueberry LLC 2011-2024


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