Online Watercolor Course With Jess Greenleaf

I am so pleased to finally be offering an online Watercolor Course to you! I am currently creating lessons for the Watercolor Basics Course. This course will be available as a stand-alone purchase here on this website in the future, but currently the lessons are being published and offered one by one exclusively on Patreon.
Watercolor Basics Course
Watercolor is such a flexible and rewarding medium, yet it often has a reputation for being difficult. Unfortunately, this belief can be the result of low quality supplies and a lack of familiarity with basic techniques. Watercolor has such depth, such versatility, and so many varied applications. It is something I am endlessly passionate about, and I am absolutely delighted to have the opportunity to share that with you in this course.
While I have enjoyed teaching in-person watercolor workshops in the past, offering online watercolor courses allows me to go into greater depth and offers you much more convenient access to my information. Additionally, I can cover so much more than I would have time for in an in-person situation.
What the Watercolor Basics Course Covers
My approach to teaching watercolors is admittedly a little bit different...
An up-close look at watercolor supplies. I will cover quality choices, how they work, non-traditional uses and applications, and unusual details. Unsurprisingly, I also take some real time to cover colors and pigments. I also include non-traditional tools and customizations here.
An easily digestible but detailed overview of color theory, so that you understand exactly how to select and mix your colors, how these choices can bring vibrancy to your paintings - and so much more.
A deep dive into watercolor techniques, how and why they work, when to use them, and also include lesser-known techniques, and techniques not usually applied to watercolor.
A review of relevant drawing skills, because they are often the key to great leaps forward in your work in terms of technical skill, joy in the process, and satisfaction of the finished piece. Don't worry - these are actually a lot of fun and contain many "a-ha!" moments.
An examination of subject and concept, or in other words, what to paint, and how these choices can add meaning, significance, and enjoyment to your work.
Development of your own personal and unique artistic style, or: your creative voice.
Building creative habits, goal-setting, and different applications for watercolor painting. Watercolors can be a means to creative record-keeping, communication, peace, therapy, observation, expression, and so SO much more.

Who Is The Watercolor Basics Course For?
In this course, I begin at the very beginning so that even if you have never held a paintbrush before, you won't feel lost. However, I believe that my multi-faceted approach will still render this course useful to more seasoned painters.
This course is, as you may have surmised, all about the basics. But I go into great detail about the basics, and include more areas in my definition of "watercolor basics" than are generally covered in a more typical beginner's watercolor course.
In other words, this course is for both beginning and intermediate watercolorists who have a common interest in receiving more satisfaction from painting and increase their skill lever.
How Does This Course Work?
In this course, we will fill a sketchbook together, page by page and lesson by lesson. This will leave you with an invaluable reference tool, as well as give you the supreme satisfaction of having filled up an entire sketchbook.
New lessons will be posted to Patreon every other week (more or less - less often when I am very busy, such as during the holiday season).
Most lessons will include:
An overview of supplies used, all of which are included in the Greenleaf & Blueberry Watercolor Kit that I designed especially for this course. Additionally, I will also provide information on how to adapt supplies you have on hand.
A video in real time of me painting while offering pointers, explanations, and demos as we go. These videos are designed for you to paint right along with me. (I also make a point not to include a musical soundtrack to the painting portion of the videos, so that you can select your own, if you wish.)
Downloads with additional information and additional optional exercises or homework.
Lessons vary in length from 1-2 hours, give or take.
How Much Does The Course Cost?
This course is available to members of the Tiger Swallowtail membership tier for US$ 11/mo.
Membership Includes:
- Access to the full archive of lessons
- Private Course Community
- 10% student discount here on the G&B website
- Automatic access to Monthly Painting Prompts
- Private Prompt Community
- Monthly Painting Prompt Giveaway access
Membership cost is about equivalent to buying me a nice cup of coffee in exchange for watercolor lessons (and all additional membership perks.)
What Supplies Are Needed To Complete The Course?
I designed a watercolor kit containing all of the supplies you will see me using in this course, called the Ultimate Watercolor Kit. I have also designed a more basic version as well. You can click each of the links below to read over the included supplies:

What if I already have my own supplies or can't afford a kit?
That is perfectly fine!
I created watercolor kits for convenience, and because I knew lots of course students would want to use exactly what they saw me using in the lessons.
In the kit listings (linked above), I describe each supply included in each kit so that you know what is included AND so that you can make educated decisions about equivalents.
Additionally within the course, I cover supplies in detail and will discuss equivalents and substitutions.
As for specific colors: over on Patreon within the Watercolor Course, I have a full write-up post about color alternatives and substitutions if you don't have the Anthesis Set or if you don't have all of the specific colors it contains. (Spoiler: Using what you have is so much better than not painting!)

My Main Goals In Teaching Watercolors
I want to help you develop a joyful means of expression, and for that to take whatever form you want it to.
I want to help you develop the confidence to leave me and your computer screen behind so that you can paint whatever you wish, wherever you wish.
I want to show you how to find joy in the process so that you thoroughly enjoy every minute of painting.
Why Patreon?
I selected Patreon as the home for the Watercolor Basics Course because it offers so many creative tools and options, an important one of which is community. The private communities allow everyone taking the course to engage with one another to share progress pictures, ask questions, trade tips, get into technical discussions, and simply discuss related topics with creative souls who share a similar interest.
Patreon also allows me to offer some other creative options to you, such as monthly painting prompts, an option to receive actual snail mail (which I have dreamed of offering for so so long!), and other fun tidbits.
One other great thing about Patreon is how easy it is to cancel. Some apps make you jump through hoops, but Patreon makes it a snap to change your subscription, cancel it, re-start it, etc. So if you feel like dipping into try out a lesson or two and see if this course is the right fit for you, you can. This also makes it easy to turn your subscription on and off if your schedule doesn't always leave you with extra time.
I have lots more information over on Patreon, including a little course intro video (Just scroll down to see it.)
Take Me To The Course!