
Brush Pen Ink Refill Cartridges - Various Colors

$5.05 USD
2 Cartridge Pack

Pentel Pocket Brush Pen Ink Refill Cartridges
Colors: Black, Sepia, Grey
All colors sold in 2 Packs
Black available in 6 Pack

Pigmented Ink
Permanent, Waterproof
Refillable, comes with two replacement ink cartridges
Made in Japan


These are the refill cartridges for the Pentel Pocket Brush Pen.  Ink is waterproof and perfect for creating sketches to watercolor over.  Grey ink allows you to create buildable layers.  It should be noted that all colors are quite dark!

**Please note**: Ink flow may be effected by extreme temperature changes, or changes in air pressure.  If bristles become clogged (as can happy with waterproof ink), remove the tip and rinse with warm water.


© Greenleaf & Blueberry 2021

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